GBIF Capacity Enhancement Framework


The GBIF capacity enhancement framework seeks to reposition GBIF’s work in this area as essential to strengthening the sustainable performance of the whole GBIF Participant network. It aims to provide the GBIF network with a common approach and language to be applied in programming capacity enhancement actions. It will also be used to underpin strategic planning for GBIF at all levels.

This document is also available in Portuguese.


The framework draws on recent advancement in the field of capacity development and access to research infrastructures to define an overall goal for GBIF’s capacity enhancement activities, adopt a set of seven values and guiding principles, and define six capacity types that are the focus of GBIF’s capacity enhancement work. It further presents a cycle for capacity enhancement actions, including a description of the main actors and examples of the types of techniques and approaches to capacity enhancement in the GBIF context.


Raymond M & González-Talaván A.


Banki O, Copas K & Hirsch T.


GBIF Secretariat