Webinar: Biodiversity data sharing through GBIF by the Private Sector

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27 de enero de 2021
15:00 - 17:00 CET

This webinar was organized as part of the CESP project "OpenPSD: Promoting publication and use of private-sector data on biodiversity", and was aimed at informing French companies and private institutions that promote or work with biodiversity, about how to integrate the publication of biodiversity data in GBIF, as part of their action towards sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

The following topics were addressed and an open discussion was held afterwards:

  • The role played by GBIF France and the Spaces & Partnerships department of UMS PatriNat in accessing information on biodiversity at the national level
  • The OpenPSD project whose objective is to encourage the publication of data by the private sector
  • The benefits of publishing biodiversity data via GBIF
  • The steps to follow during the process.
  • Feedback from private companies (TOTAL, IMERYS and EUROVIA, Data4Nature AFD project)

See the recording of the webinar here

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27 de enero de 2021 15:00 - 17:00